DILIGENCE of Portsmouth

DILIGENCE of Portsmouth [15/11/1842] – Times Also the Morning Post November 16, 1842, Issue 22411

“About 2 o’clock on Thursday morning, the smack Diligence, of Portsmouth, of 30 tons burthen, bound to Southampton from Guernsey, laden with potatoes, cames on shore on Chisel Beach near Portland, in a squall of wind from the S.S.W. It being at the time of high water, hopes are entertained that she will be got off as the spring tides make. The greatest mystery, and one not likely to be solved is how this vessel bound to Southampton from Guernsey, wit the wind S.S.W., should be near Portland. We should have thought if she had been left to make her own course, after leaving the Caskets, she would have been nearer the Isle of Wight, with the wind from the same quarter. One poor fellow about 20 years of age, we could not learn his name, met with a watery grave, just at the moment the vessel struck.”

Day of Loss: 15

Month of Loss: 11

Year of Loss: 1842



Approximate Depth: