Merchant Steamship [39M] – Captain A. N. Shelton. Cargo MILITARY (Stores) (950 tons), Vehicles & Fodder. Detail in Dive Dorset: 203 P151: GPS; 50 30.74N; 02 06.42W. & LARN. Torpedoed by German Submarine, UC-62 amidships. Three crew missing but the remainder picked up by by the Italian S.S. ANTONIO, transferred to Patrol Ships and landed at Weymouth. Ref. British Vessels Lost at Sea: WW1, p70; British Merchant Ships sunk by U-Boats: WW1, p38; LCWLR: 1917-18 p177; Lloyd’s Register: 1917-18 No. 279(H) & PRO: Kew Adm. 137/2963.

Day of Loss: 15

Month of Loss: 10

Year of Loss: 1917

Longitude: 50 30.74

Latitude: 02 06.42

Approximate Depth: 39