CHASSEUR No. 6 or 7 [12/10/1940] – French Anti Submarine Warship [40M] – Swanage. (Clarke: GPS; 50 25.46N; 02 04.84W) Sunk by German Naval Gunfire. Possibly No. 6, see note from Dive Dorset: 209. NIL. See CARENTAN

Chasseur No.? – 1943

Following the confusion in LARN, Dive Dorset Wk. No. 209, p153 seems to have the correct information.

“This wreck is either Chasseur No.6 or Chasseur No. 7. Both were completed in early 1940, and were sunk together by German gunfire on the 12th October 1940. The second has yet to be found but the wreck at 50 25.46N; 02 04.84W was located by Steve Ballet. The wreck, upright and completely untouched for 50 years, was littered with high quality brass fittings. She is almost an exact copy of the CARENTAN (Site Dive Dorset Wk. No. 255) except that she is not loaded with ammunition and is much more broken up. This must be partially due to damage inflicted at her sinking. Like CARENTAN, her midships engine room contains twin diesel engines with a narrow walkway between lots of guages, brass pipes and valves. Steve Ballett recovered the large beautiful brass compass binnacle, and when cleaned up the compass was found to be still working perfectly. Sea bed depth [40M], wreck rises [3M]”

Confirmed as Chasseur no6 see Chasseur no7 recently discovered.

Day of Loss: 12

Month of Loss: 10

Year of Loss: 1940

Longitude: 50 25.46

Latitude: 02 04.84

Approximate Depth: 40